Solar energy can be a great cost-effective and environmentally friendly way of heating your water. They are reliable and can last years with the right servicing. It’s very important that your solar hot water system panels are in a high-sun dense area and none or little obstructions for you to get the most out of them. These systems also require periodic inspections and routine maintenance to keep them operating efficiently and effectively.
We are highly skilled and knowledgeable on the often elusive maintenance and repair on solar hot water systems in Newcastle. We have been specifically trained in this area to ensure that your maintenance is complete with total peace of mind.
Solar hot water systems typically have a higher upfront cost, and lower running costs. So don’t waste the opportunity to save as much money as possible over the long term by letting it unnecessarily deteriorate. Call us today to organise a solar hot water service in Newcastle and enjoy the incredible benefits of solar hot water, for longer.